Send an E-Greeting to Mom
Personalize an online e-card for Mom on Mother’s Day. If you’re far away, when you need an impromptu message in a hurry or if you just want to send her a unique and free greeting, think e-card.
We’ve assembled a selection of easy-to-use e-card sites that don’t bother you with fees or confusing interfaces. Shop specifically for Mother’s Day themes, in humorous or elegant styles. You may even opt for a blank e-card. This allows you the opportunity to personalize even more so.

ECards to Support a Cause
There are a lot of worthy organizations out there. Here are some you can support and send Mom an ecard at the same time!

- The Nature Conservancy
To preserve plants, animals and natural communities
In support of green living, human rights and animal rights
- Grameen Foundation
Using innovative technology to fight global poverty
- To Mama With Love
One Mom's effort to build a home for children in her village
- SOS Villages
A loving home for every child
Large E-Card Web Sites
Steer clear of sites that charge a fee. You can find plenty of free e-cards that package the same sentiments as those you’d pay for. Make sure you know your own email address as well as Mom’s. And you’ll have a character limit on what you want to say, so plan ahead.
- Hallmark
Choose from serious to fun, funky and musical, favorite characters.
- Blue Mountain Cards
Choose from a selection of inspirational, theme, or humorous e-cards.
- American Greetings
Comprehensive selection of free all-occasion e-cards.
Personalize an E-Card with Just the Right Sentiment
Have fun with e-cards. Personalize with short and to the point sentiments, Mother’s Day haiku or poem, or even her favorite quotation. Most sites let you choose to receive a message once your recipient has viewed your e-card.
Print Out and Personalize Your Own Card for Mom
If Mom's not into e-anything for special days like Mother's Day, why not download one of our printables and personlize your own Mother's Day Card! Here's an example of one: